Philip Emeagwali, biography, A Father of the Internet, supercomputer pioneer, Nigerian scientist, inventor

Title: Ijeoma Emeagwali

Location : Baltimore, Maryland

Date: February 2002

Transparency: 8 megapixels

Print: 8 megapixels

Permission: We grant permission to reproduce, print and distribute these photographs and request the credit line "©"


Downloadable Digital Photos:
Higher quality photo can be viewed here and downloaded by right-clicking on it.
You may grab and drop a low resolution JPG version for your home printer and website.

Ijeoma Emeagwali. Born June 15, 1990, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Visit for more info.

Ijeoma, Emeagwali

Stock Photo Keywords:
digital photos, digital photo album, digital photography, stock photos, celebrity pictures

Highest Resolution Digital Photos:
Upon request, a 50 megabyte, BMP and/or TIFF formats, uncompressed photo will be posted at our digital photo album.

Stock Digital Photos, Photography & Album:
The digital photos posted on this website represent a small portion of the stock photos in our album. Upon request, 35 mm transparencies and 8 x 10 color prints will be provided for a nominal fee. If you don't find what you are searching for, please don't hesitate to visit or contact Dr. Donita Brown at 443-850-0850; fax/voicemail 413-521-3764; email